2022 – The year it was

The year is finally coming to an end. We have been gradually getting back to business in this post Covid time. It has not been the same as the pre-Covid period but are on recovery and getting back on our feet unlike during the Covid period. We have been able to attend different events globally that are in line with our aviation and air ambulance business. We have managed to do a lot of networking with different stakeholders through the conferences and events we have attended globally.

2022 has also seen addition to the Phoenix Aviation fleet with the addition of the Grand Caravan. This will open up new business opportunities, especially for the Safari Travel market. The Caravan is a very versatile aircraft with ability to take off and land on very short landing strips. The demand for reliable air Charter services, such as Phoenix Aviation, has increased with the increased travel into and within the African continent. Phoenix Aviation has over 28 years experience flying within the African continent, while maintaining world class aviation standards.


Some of the events we participated in 2022 include:

Magical Kenya – 2022. Nairobi, Kenya.

Aviation Africa – 2022. Kigali, Rwanda.

International Travel & Health Insurance Conferences MEA- Dubai.

International Travel & Health Insurance Conferences APAC- Singapore.

International Travel & Health Insurance Conferences -London.

Middle East Business Aviation Airshow – Dubai

The above conferences were attended by various members of the Phoenix team. They managed to establish partnerships especially in the air ambulance sector. The ITIC conferences were a good platform to introduce ourselves to possible prospects and clients across the 7 Continents. It is through such global interactions that we get to grow worldwide network and thus increase our global reach.

We look forward to the coming year with increased optimism as the world opens up and global travel gets back to and surpasses its previous performance. The growth in the Business Aviation sector is expected to rise and at Phoenix Aviation, we are here for it.

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1 comment

Global Aviation Infrastructure LLC May 12, 2023 - 1:18 pm
Thanks for sharing this amazing post with us. Very informative post it was.
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